L - a b l e is a platform for what we like to call design. Inspired by people like Victor Papanek and Buckminster Fuller it is about ?design for the real world?. forms which follow questions around problems which are touching a common social and cultural sphere and intend to lead to re_spons_able products or projections. as wide this sphere is as open wants to be L-able's palette of (recycled)materials and (recycled)media to respond to those questions and problems. when we talk about design we talk about forms, functions and possibilities to solve problems, but these don?t make sense to us if they are not directly linked to a basic need.L-able is art if art means to come to the other and L-able is economy if economy means to share with the other. L-able is not an ideology but the search for an aesthetic of the quality of relations.
where you find those projects which are free to be
downloaded, copied and rebuild;
its core is the copyleft and the free exchange of information
in order to extend the probability to generate new one.
last updates > march 2007
what inspires us...
like first moments of ideas which lead to more..
more we don?t know in the moment they touch us,
but maybe they already want to touch you to widen
the possibility that an idea becomes dialog and form.
last updates > january 2008
L-able?s kind of diary. reflections on questions
generated by certain problems turning around our attempt
to imagine and to give concept and shape to the things
we miss or just things wich are not produced yet.
last updates > march 2007
realized projects - coming from all kind of ways,
demands, perceptions, matters and manners,
which went through L-able?s studio
and gives you a complete overview of its production.
last updates > july 2008
others - friends and colleagues works, clicks which lead
to sistersites on which L-able is somehow extended.
May it be because thoughts are deepened
or thoughts are opposed,
LinkABLE shows L-able as a junction in a network.
last updates > march 2007
We were selected and will be exposed in the 3rd International Poster and Computer Animation Competition ?AntiAIDS-Ukraine? (24th ? 30th of April 2009)
Our beloved Ghostapron will be exposed at Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome for the DAB exibition and produced by Misstake and sold in the italians museum's bookshops
We won Sokolov Film Festival poster contest: have a look at our work!